Shrove Tuesday 4th March 2025
Shrove Tuesday is also known as Pancake Day or Pancake Tuesday is the final day of Shrovetide and is observed in many Christian countries, through participating in confession, the ritual burning of the previous years Holy Week palms and eating pancakes. Lent begins the following day with Ash Wednesday.
Shrove Tuesday depends on the date of Easter, and therefore the date of Pancake Day, moves around with the Lunar Calendar. Easter is always on the first Sunday after the Full Moon that happens after the spring equinox. Shrove Tuesday takes place 47 days before this.
This year, Easter falls on Sunday, April 20. With Easter being later in spring this year, so is Pancake Day falls today on Tuesday, March 4.
Tuesday will see households take out their frying pans to cook up some tasty griddle cakes and there is no shortage of recipes to choose from!
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