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Harriet Tubman Day 10th March

Harriet Tubman Day 10th March

Born into slavery in March 1822, Araminta Ross (Minty), Tubman was one of nine children to parents Harriet (Rit) Green Ross and Benjamin Ross. Araminta later adopted her mother’s first name, Harriet.

Harriet escaped from slavery in the South to become a leading abolitionist before the American Civil War. She led upward of 300 enslaved people along the Underground Railroad from the American South to Canada. She showed extraordinary courage, ingenuity, persistence, and iron discipline.

She helped ensure the final defeat of slavery in the United States by aiding the Union during the American Civil War. She served as a scout and a nurse, though she received little pay or recognition.


"I had reasoned this out in my mind; there was one of two things I had the right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other". 

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