Valentines Day 14th February
February has long been celebrated as the month of romance. It has been a long-held belief that St Valentine’s Day contains part of the Christian and ancient Roman tradition.
There were several Valentines that were martyred. Emperor Claudius 11 decided single men made better soldiers and outlawed marriage. Valentine continued in secret to marry young lovers, he was found out and put to death. Another Valentine could have been put to death for helping Christian prisoners in Roman prisons. The last theory is that Valentine was in a Roman prison and fell in love with a girl who visited the prison, and he sent her a letter signed “from her Valentine.”
In later years the Christian Church placed St Valentine’s feast in the middle of February. Gradually over the years it became common to exchange small tokens of affection and handwritten notes. In the 1900’s these were replaced by printed cards. Hallmark reports they sell over 145 million cards a year.
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